Concrete structures are only as watertight as the waterstops that are utilised in the structures

In most concrete structures and elements, a particular type of joint (construction, contraction, control, expansion or isolation) will be designed in them for a number of structural design reasons, and due to this joint, it may need to be water stop{ped} (as in preventing water from seeping in or seeping out), as the structure is water retaining or water excluding.

Waterstops are very important and are usually required for almost all concrete structures. There are many types of waterstop systems which may be considered for use, and a very specific type may need to be used for the joint that has to be water stopped.

Polybit Industries offers a complete and comprehensive range of waterstop systems, for several different types of construction segments & concrete structures

Contact our specification or design team if assistance is required in choosing the correct type of waterstop for your structures’ joints.

Products Offered

  • PVC Waterstops
  • Chloroprene rubber based hydrophilic water stops
  • Bentonite Butyl rubber based hydrophilic water stops
  • Butyl Rubber based hydrophilic water stops
  • Hydrophilic sealant / adhesive for waterstops